Friday, June 13, 2008

Southern Voice Article - Baby Makes Three

While we were in New York city last week we received an email from Matt Schaefer a reporter for the Southern Voice newspaper. He said that he was doing a father's day article and wanted to meet with us so that he could include our adoption story. Of course, we we're happy to oblige. After a few scheduling emails (we we're going to be in New York for a few more days) we agreed that a phone interview would probably be the best thing to do. So it was, that a few days later we found ourselves on the speaker phone completing an interview with Matt. Matt's a nice guy, and had clearly done his adoption research prior to the interview. We talked about our experiences; talking with potential birthmothers, matching, unmatching, etc. After about an hour, the interview was done. For us it was fairly normal, although we haven't had our adoption story featured in a newspaper before, we talk about our adoption journey almost constantly.

So today the article came out - we're famous! Okay, maybe famous is going a little overboard, but we were excited to find out we're the feature story (with our picture on the cover!) The article is pretty good. A couple of minor misquotes, but I think that's pretty much par for the game.

Check at the article at:

Thanks for reading!

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